Ancestral Connections: A Day of Art & Constellations đ«
dim. 05 févr.
Family & Systemic Constellations is a blend between a therapeutic and spiritual experience. It is a tool to find the origin of the problems we face today, such as repeated patterns, blockages, relationship difficulties or health concerns, to name a few, and has the power to reveal hidden dynamics.
Heure et lieu
05 fĂ©vr. 2023, 10:00 â 17:00
Uccle, Av. Hamoir 14B, 1180 Uccle, Belgique
đ << We invite you to read consciously the conditions of the event before any reservation>> đ
Description âš
Family & Systemic Constellations is a blend between a therapeutic and spiritual experience. It is a tool to find the origin of the problems we face today, such as repeated patterns, blockages, relationship difficulties or health concerns, to name a few, and has the power to reveal hidden dynamics not visible to the normal eye. With this approach we look for and work with the root cause.
In a Constellation we access the timeless map of connections you carry inside of you and within your DNA â the connections to your ancestors and to the family stories that happened before you that could have an impact on your life today. And as we work with these connections, the link to the past becomes revealed. Then a healing exchange takes place and steps are taken to free you from the past and put you on a road to freedom, understanding and authenticity for your future.
Join us at the Ashram in the City of a day workshop on the subject of Ancestral Connections. The winter months are a time of introspection and rest. On the medicine wheel, the North direction includes the winter time and it's also the place of ancestors and our connections to them. Come discover more about your Ancestral Connections with a day of art and Constellations. We will use some intuitive art as the starting point or let it complement your experience. Those joining the Circle are welcome to bring any subject theyâd like to constellate, or we will use the art to guide the Constellation process. Depending on the number of participants who attend, it might not be that everyone receives a personal Constellation, but the goal is for this to happen.
Picture Crédential:
Artist: Don MacCarthy
Stakeholder đ„
Meghan was born and raised in Colorado in the United States but in her adult life has lived in Argentina, Spain and now Belgium. Based in Brussels, Meghan is an Integrative Therapist and has worked with others therapeutically for more than ten years. She combines Family Constellation with other tools including Systemic RitualÂź, Psychosomatic Bodywork and Trauma Recovery and Astrology. Her approach is an integral one that includes the whole person - body, mind and spirit.
Meghan believes in lifelong learning, continual growth and the quest to know and embody our true natures. She is passionate particularly about Constellations for the understanding they give, for their healing potential, and because of the accessibility they offer to the greater mystery of life and our family stories. Meghan works individually with people, holds Constellation Circles several times a month in Brussels and online and runs weekly development Circles for her Inner Compass Community on Mondays. She works in both English and Spanish and you can find out more about her work and upcoming events at:
Additional information â
* The workshop will be held in English (French translation can be provided if needed).
* The workshop is limited to 8 participants.
* Price for the day is 85⏠(you can pay 65⏠if you have financial difficulties at the moment).
To save your spot, payment must be made beforehand to the following account number:
Meghan Ann Kelly BE84 3770 9125 9859
* There is a possiblity to sleep in the Ashram the night before or after for intĂ©gration. The price of 25âŹ/night doesn't include meals. For more information, you can contact us:
What to bring:
- Wear comfortable clothes as weâll be moving around during the Constellations and will start with light bodywork.
- You can bring your own colored pencils, a water bottle and vegetarian lunch (tea & "snacks" will be provided throughout the day).
Participation en Conscience đž
Dans sa dĂ©marche de rendre le monde du Yoga accessible Ă tous, lâAshram in the City dĂ©sire rĂ©duire au maximum les barriĂšres financiĂšres pour les participants tout en respectant une rĂ©munĂ©ration juste et Ă©quitable pour ses intervenants.
Si vous ĂȘtes pour le moment en situation financiĂšre compliquĂ©e, vous pouvez choisir le Tarif Solidaire đ€
Et si le Tarif Solidaire reste trop élevé, nous vous invitons à nous contacter par email:
Si vous ĂȘtes en situation financiĂšre confortable et que vous avez envie de soutenir notre vision de rendre le monde du Yoga accessible Ă tous, vous pouvez choisir le Tarif de Soutien đ« .
Nous offrons aussi la possibilitĂ© de venir faire du Karma Yoga de courte ou longue durĂ©e. Le principe du Seva ou du Karma Yoga est de rendre un service Ă la communautĂ© sans rien attendre en retour. Vous avez la possibilitĂ© de venir pour quelques heures ou pour une plus longue durĂ©e. Votre sĂ©jour de quelques semaines Ă deux mois est une excellente opportunitĂ© de vous immerger dans la vie de lâAshram, de pratiquer votre sadhana et dâĂȘtre en compagnie dâautres yogis.
âTout comme les aliments nourrissent le corps, le service dĂ©sintĂ©ressĂ© nourrit l'Ăąme". Ama
Pour plus dâinfo sur le karma yoga, cliquez ici.
Politique dâannulation & Lâimportance dâHonorer son Engagement đ€
Par respect des intervenants et des participants en liste dâattente, lâAshram ne rembourse pas les annulations de dernieÌres minutes (minimum 24 heures avant l'eÌveÌnement et 48 heures pour les retraites en reÌsidentiel) sauf cas de force majeure duÌment justifieÌ.
Toute place reÌserveÌe et non payeÌe devra eÌtre reÌgleÌe sur le compte de lâAshram.
Nous vous invitons aÌ reÌserver vos activiteÌs en conscience. Lorsque vous vous inscrivez, que ce soit pour les eÌveÌnements payants ou sur donation, vous vous engagez aÌ faire un maximum pour honorer votre engagement.
Dans le cas oĂč il n'y a pas assez de participants (Ă©nĂ©rgĂ©tiquement parlant) pour maintenir un cours, une activitĂ© ou une retraite, l'Ashram vous informera de l'annulation ou d'une nouvelle date par email (24 heures pour les Ă©vĂ©nements et 48 heures pour les retraites).
Tarif de base âš(85âŹ)
Tarif recommandé
0,00 âŹVente expirĂ©eTarif solidaire đ€ (65âŹ)
Pour les personnes au budget trÚs limité actuellement
0,00 âŹVente expirĂ©e
0,00 âŹ